Discrete Manufacturing for Marketing

Marketing is required to successfully shape the company at the interface to the customer. But who are “the customers” anyway and how do you reach them?


Especially in the digitalized world, marketing solutions must support identification and communication with the relevant contacts. Defined customer processes (“customer journeys”) and contact points (“customer touchpoints”), which are becoming possible in an ever-increasing number with different channels, are necessary for the targeted approach. In this context, the right information and individual content are essential, regardless of the channel used, to make the “omni-channel” presence effective and attractive. Additional content generated by constant interaction and increasingly by machine data from customers should not be forgotten.


Traditionally, marketing sees itself in the role of determining communication- i.e., both traditional and online communication. As such, it significantly drives digital innovation within the company. However, there are always challenges when it comes to working with IT departments and external service providers. In such projects, success often depends on coordinated and agile procedures as well as on an understandable language for all parties involved. In addition, marketing managers are also increasingly measured on their ability to market new services, such as digital product data offerings. This also shows that direct collaboration with different company departments, above all the service department, is becoming increasingly important.


A wide field of tension for suitable and innovative marketing solutions. Get to know the suitable proaxia offer for marketing here!

discrete manufacturing proaxia marketing
Key issues in marketing

What do the “customer journeys” look like? What characteristics do relevant “personas” have?

Which “customer touchpoints” make sense?

Which channels do I need for my omni-channel strategy?

How do we increase customer attractiveness and loyalty for existing and new products and services?

What is relevant content and information?

What digital offerings can we market based on our “data”?
How do we shape digital innovation?

What setup is required for digitization?

How do we win and work with IT and external partners?

Our solution approach

proaxia sees itself as a link between business and IT along the entire lifecycle of digital solutions. Our “Digital Innovation & Web Portals” competence team has highly specialized knowledge in the design of marketing processes and the introduction of suitable technologies.

Our goal is to support you as a partner in the introduction of digital innovations and thus increase your customers’ satisfaction at the same time. Behind our consulting services are sustainable concepts, proven approaches and excellent solutions.

For marketing, the following approaches are proving their worth:

Customer Journey Concept Creation - Understanding the Customer Interface

Our consultants develop the “Customer Journey” concept together with you and, if desired, together with your customers. This is based on our methodical approach which, starting from target groups, documents the customer process and relevant contact points. We also analyze where there are deviations from current processes and which contact points can be digitized. This gives you an idea of where your digitization path can start and how you should address relevant target groups in the future.

Digital Innovation Workshop - Discovering Digitization Opportunities

The possibilities of digitization and the Internet of Things are increasingly influencing business models and processes. Leading companies not only offer their own websites, but also use partner portals and social media for full interaction with customers and partners. Remote services continue to help gather more data about customer needs. In this workshop series, we will work with you to determine the impact of digitization on your industry, the innovation potential it offers your company, and the added value for your customers. We will also show you which approaches have proven successful in the implementation of digital innovations. This site assessment enables you to derive needs for action for your company and provides you with an assessment for further planning and implementation.

Digital Innovation Project Management - Successful Implementation

Only when a team works together on implementation are the chances high that they will successfully achieve the goals set. However, reality shows that digitization and IT projects often fail. From our experience, social competence and implementation strength are often lacking. With high social competence and understanding of organizations, our consultants bring together the different stakeholders as a team because they speak the language of business and IT. At the same time, proaxia works pragmatically and results-oriented and leads projects to their goal in realistic steps. As a trustworthy and independent partner, we can work with you and your customers to achieve the goals you have set.

Support with tenders and offers - ensure transparency

New technologies, solutions and suppliers, changing business requirements or increasing service complexity – the framework conditions for digitization projects are constantly changing. Therefore, such projects must be built on as stable a foundation as possible. This often begins with a competitive bid and the selection of a strong implementation partner. However, this should be preceded by a stringent and transparent selection process. Benefit from our proven approach, which allows you to have a transparent bidding and selection process.

Do you have any questions about our services?

marketing discrete manufacturing

Our consulting services

  • Business unit and digitization strategies
  • Business transformation roadmaps
  • Digital Transformation and e-Service Design
  • Portal solutions with SAP Commerce Cloud and SAP Fiori
  • SAP Cloud for Customer Sales and Service transformation
  • Portfolio, program and project management
  • Requests for proposals (RFI / RFP)
  • Global rollouts

proaxia consulting group ag is a international management consulting firm

headquartered in Switzerland, with offices in Europe, MENA, Asia and the USA.

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