proaxia Vehicle Sales and Service and SAP Digital Vehicle Hub – supporting collaborative business processes in the highly connected automotive industry
By Rainer Lenk, Head of Automotive Europe, proaxia, Daniel Grimm, Director Industry Solution Management, IBU Automotive, SAP SE and Sebastian Scharfenberger, Solution Manager DVH, SAP SE
Today’s world is highly integrated in the automotive industry, with many actors involved in processes. OEMs, importers, retailers, mobility service companies, automotive suppliers, dealers, service providers, insurance companies, leasing companies and others collaborate in automotive business networks. New market players are entering the game and new business models are emerging. Vehicles are becoming more intelligent and connected; they act as a platform for delivering new applications, services and hardware-enabled features, which can be made available on demand.
Vehicle data is key!
In this networked business environment, the sharing of vehicle data along the entire vehicle lifecycle is key for ensuring best-in-class customer intimacy and sustainable business success.
Stakeholders need access to the same, up-to-date, consistent vehicle information to implement new business processes across the automotive value chain, thereby fostering collaboration and innovation.
The SAP Digital Vehicle Hub (DVH) application provides a central repository to manage vehicle-related master, transactional and usage data and to create a comprehensive, digital twin of a vehicle. The solution helps companies share vehicle data between relevant stakeholders and facilitates collaborative business models and value streams along the automotive and mobility value chain.
proaxia Vehicle Sales and Service (VSS) fully integrates with SAP DVH and supports the exchange of relevant vehicle and service history data: vehicle master data, vehicle status information and vehicle-related transactional information such as purchase order, sales order, incoming and outgoing invoice, service history, registration, warranty, planned maintenance interval and service contract.
When integrated with SAP DVH, proaxia VSS provides access to the vehicle’s digital twin in the cloud, thus enabling dealers to easily use a variety of data that helps them to successfully run their business and avoid duplication in data maintenance. At the same time, the service history is kept up to date in SAP DVH through real-time process updates from the proaxia VSS Service process engine.
This insight into comprehensive vehicle data helps to
- support your cooperation with partners in the business network;
- improve and extend your customer offering;
- generate marketing insights based on a combination of customer and vehicle data;
- create new offers quickly and easily;
- offer proactive and predictive service;
- take advantage of new business opportunities, such as operation of charging stations.
Thanks to the SAP DVH integration, dealer groups can seamlessly connect to the OEM/Importer/Distributor processes and to the shared, digital twin information. The access to this shared vehicle data facilitates collaborative business processes supported by innovative cloud applications.
When integrated with SAP DVH, an essential part of SAP Automotive North star reference architecture, proaxia VSS complements the SAP Digital Vehicle Suite. In this way, proaxia innovates on top of the latest SAP Automotive Industry Cloud architecture specifically for automotive retail customers.
Further information on the Digital Vehicle Suite can be found here.
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